Thursday, February 14, 2013

What can you do with a library card?

finally got a library card. I mean, I got one when I first moved to California. I could walk to the library from my apartment (although I didn’t as frequently as I would have liked). The only book I can recall actually checking out was a book about After Effects, but I’m sure I used it more than that one time.

access to the world

It’s been years (literally, YEARS) since I lived in that first California apartment and since the “new” (now YEARS old) apartment is in a different city, it requires a new library card. And I just never got one. I was busy, I didn’t read as much as I had wanted, etc. etc. excuses excuses. But this year, one of my goals is to read more. I’m trying for a book a month, but have already failed because the book I’m currently reading is big and long and wonderful. So wonderful that I don’t really care that it’s taken me this long to read. I’m going to try to catch up, though, and read TWO books in one month when I’m done. I’ve been meaning to read “A Wrinkle in Time” and something of Neil Gaiman’s, and I think both will end up being relatively quick reads (depending, of course, on which Neil Gaiman book I choose).

Which brings me back to the finally acquired library card. It felt so good to get one, so right. But it got me thinking that there are some people out there who might not see the benefits of a library card. So, what can you really do with one?

Well, you can:


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